Safe Congregation Consultation
Keeping Your Community Safe from Violence and Clergy Abuse
Services in Safe Congregation Consultation:
- Consultation on Safety policies, practices and implementation
- Training for leaders and congregations in Safe Practices and Sex Abuse Prevention
- Trauma Response (Psychological First Aid) for congregations after a traumatic event
- Trauma Response (Psychological First Aid) for congregations after Sexual Abuse by Clergy in the congregation
- Training and Education for Leaders in Formation on:
- Ethics
- Professional Roles and Boundaries
- Sexuality and Power
- Sexual Addiction
- Consultation on the inclusion of persons with history of sexual abuse and violence
- Pastor/Lay Leader Training and Continuing Education on:
- Sexual Abuse and Violence
- Suicide
- Mental Illness
- Domestic Violence
- Substance Abuse and Addictions

Preventing Abuse and Violence by
Members in Religious Communities
Keeping children and vulnerable persons safe from sexual violence and abuse is a critical part of being a safe religious community. Churches, synagogues and mosques need to have policies and practices that universally prevent sexual abuse. They also need to have plans and procedures when there is a known potential threat, such as when a registered sex offender wants to participate in the life of the religious community. Both universal prevention practices and known threat situations require vigilance, training of leaders and members, and occasional consultation so that these communities can remain safe places where each person is respected and has a meaningful role in the community.
Our religious communities are safer when there is strong formation and training of their leaders in ethics, professional boundaries, sexual identity, sexual development, sexual addictions, and personal and professional vulnerabilities. In addition, denominational structures such as dioceses, districts, stakes, synagogues, and mosques are critical in creating structures and accountability for professional conduct that is free of sexual violence and abuse.
Unfortunately, every religious tradition has had individual clergy who have abused their role and power as a respected leader to inflict sexual violence and abuse on children and adults. Many times these abuses occur in a culture of secrecy and coercion, either at the individual congregation level or at a systemic level of the denomination. Sexual violence by a religious leader causes some of the worst emotional and spiritual harm with long-lasting consequences.
Occasionally, despite our best intentions and plans, there is sexual abuse and violence between members. When that happens, the victims, their families and religious community are traumatized. Perpetrators are removed and often abandoned by the previously caring community. Professional clergy and lay leaders are critical in helping a community to understand, recover and heal from this kind of trauma. Consultation with experienced professionals can help religious communities heal and recover.
After a traumatic experience, congregations, like any group of people, have a trauma response and a potential recovery process. The recovery process is even more intense and difficult when there has been sexual abuse by clergy. However, healing is possible when a congregation has the resources and support it needs for a thoughtful and planned recovery. Eventually the victims, their families, and congregational members can find a new place of safety and comfort in their religious community. Discrete consultation and therapy can provide the setting, resources and support for recovery.